The Steps to Recovery from Methamphetamine Addiction

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You may feel alone due to your meth addiction. While your private struggles with meth can upset your life and derail your future, you are not alone; they also affect thousands of other people in New York. This is a plague on our society. Fusion Recovery has helped many people end their addictions to meth, and we hope that when you’re ready, you’ll contact us for help.

Call Fusion Recovery: 1.866.360.9867.

If you live in the New York area, you know that drugs are a big problem. It can be tough to resist the temptation to try them, especially if friends make it look like it’s no big deal. Before you know it, your life isn’t yours anymore. People who use meth tend to do so for extended periods, which increases their tolerance for the drug. Your body will require higher doses to feel the same effects as before, escalating into addiction.

We aren’t here to preach to you, but we’ve seen over and over again how easy it is to slide into an addiction that becomes all-consuming. You lose so much; family, friends, jobs, and relationships. No one can make up your mind to turn your back on meth. It sure would be easier if there were professionals to help—people who understand where you are with your meth addiction.

When you’re caught in the grip of methamphetamine addiction and you’re ready to find the way out, you may be wondering, how do I start?

Call us at Fusion Recovery: 1.866.360.9867.

The first step is to go through detox or withdrawal from the drug. This can be a dangerous time, as withdrawal symptoms can be hard on the body. In fact, it’s recommended that medical detox be used to monitor and assist individuals as they make the move from drug dependency to the first steps on their treatment journey.

Withdrawal from meth has several symptoms, including:

  • Fatigue
  • Suicidal thoughts
  • Mood swings
  • Drug cravings
  • Fever
  • Hallucinations
  • Dehydration
  • Anxiety
  • Insomnia
  • Excessive sweating

Getting help for meth addiction

Coming off of meth can be scary and even dangerous. To help with the above symptoms, Fusion Recovery treatment centers offer medical detox. After detox, once you are stable, you can start our treatment program and begin getting better.

Meth Addiction Treatment

Our clinical team will create a treatment plan for you after you finish detox based on our evaluation of your needs and input. Your treatment plan can include Suboxone maintenance treatment and addiction counseling (we will develop a plan specifically for you).

If you have insurance coverage questions, we’ll go over those with you personally. Here are some general points regarding insurance:

Medicaid and insurance questions. Did you know that Medicaid covers up to 100% of detox and rehab? Fusion Recovery’s addiction treatment services are currently in-network with most insurance carriers. To learn more about your insurance options, give us a call. We’ll check your benefits. Remember, the coverage specifics can vary based on your plan and location. Confirming coverage with your insurance provider and Fusion Recovery is always a good idea.

Simple 3-Step Process for Methamphetamine Addiction Treatment

We have a simple 3-step admission process, so you know exactly what you need and what to expect. We take the complexity out of addiction rehab. All you have to do to get started is:

1) Call us at 1.866.360.9867.

You’ll speak to someone who cares about your well-being when you call. Many of us have dealt with addiction or seen loved ones go through it. We know it’s not as simple as just deciding to quit. Meth addiction is complicated, and getting better takes time. We will walk that path with you at your speed.

2) We’ll ask you a few questions and hear what you say.

We understand that you may be worried about detox or how treatment may change your life. Concerns like these are real. We can talk about all of that. We want to find a treatment plan that fits your needs, goals, and way of life.

You might feel like giving up because you have used it too long to change. Don’t worry; it is never too late. We have seen people get better after years or decades of addiction. You are valuable, even though you may have suffered for a long time.

It’s normal to fear failure, especially if you’ve tried to quit before. But each attempt teaches us something. If you’ve relapsed in the past, that doesn’t mean you’ve failed. It means you’re strong enough to keep trying. With help from Fusion Recovery and your desire to live your best life, you have an awesome opportunity to be the person you want to be.

The idea of a world without meth may sound terrifying or meaningless, and we get that. However, recovery has been a source of renewed joy and purpose for countless individuals. There’s a whole world of experiences waiting for you.

3) We’ll schedule your intake and help you on the road to recovery.

You do not need to decide anything right now. Just know that when you’re ready, we’re here. We will support you every step of the way and answer your questions. We believe in your ability to live a life without addiction.

You Can Quit Meth and Fusion Recovery Can Help

We are not here to judge you or make things more difficult. We have the experience, compassion, and proven treatment approach that works. You can drop meth and enjoy life again. We understand that addiction recovery options can be difficult to find and understand. That’s why we are committed to providing you with a comfortable place to recover from addiction and restore your life.

Conquer addiction at Fusion Recovery! Call 1.866.360.9867.

Please call us whenever you are ready. If you need help taking the first step toward recovery, we are here to listen and help you. You are not alone. You have our support whenever you decide it is time.

Ready For A Change?

If you or a loved one are struggling with an alcohol use disorder or addiction, you may need rehab for alcohol addiction, and our treatment center is here to help. Contact us 24/7 with any questions or concerns. Our staff is here to help you during this difficult time.

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